Mummy have already marked this date in her calendar. She's been planning for months to come to this expo. As usual we leave early from house and reached Mid Valley around 10:30 am. We thought we're the earliest, mana tau the parking bays already full. Can imagine how hot is this expo?
We skip our breakfast, instead we straight heading here to avoid the crowd. But the place already people mountain people sea.

Mummy' first free samples , diapers. Mummy said the samples very good wor, coz in 1 box consist of 12pcs, can use from day till nite.. eventhough i dont understand coz last time 1 only used 1 type of diaper.

More freebies from Pureen's counter( dont forget im one of their loyal supporters...hehehe) and another Kotek diapers for Mummy

A Tom & Jerry t-shirt free with purchase above RM180 for Pureen products ( can u imagine how many bottles of shampoo & shower cream Mummy have been stocking up now)

Then , the main purpose for coming to this expo was actually for buying this. Mummy so regret she didnt bought it during the last Mom & Baby expo on May 2010. After that, she do alot of online research for this product and found out high recommendations from people who have bought this. By all means, Mummy going to buy this
Parklon Green Soft Mat.

It comes in a hand carry bag, easy for travelling purposes.

What makes this mat so special? It was printed on both side. If u get bored with this side of prints, then u can just flip over..

Then it will become this prints.

After that we hurried back to our car, to unload all the loot we got from the expo. Then only we go for our late breakfast cum lunch at 1:30pm. Mummy suggested we go to Nyonya Colors, thinking it was fasting month now, sure not many diners.Again, she was wrong. The place was packed, but luckily we managed to find a small table just ngam-ngam can fit in the 3 of us. Me & Daddy have Nasi Lemak while Mummy tried their Yellow Curry Laksa.
Then we continue shopping at Jusco, not forgetting my playtime at Jusco Playland. Daddy spent RM20 for the tokens, to Mummy surprise coz usually Daddy will only allowed me to play to the maximum of RM5 tokens only. A big bonus for me...hehehe
Before we leave, Daddy suggested we go for our late tea. Mummy thought of having something lighter, but I insist on coming here, to enjoy my fav Prawn Olio spaghetti. I can finish the 1 whole plate as usual and wallap 2 pcs of pizza. Burrpp....

We left MV around 5pm and when Mummy paid for the parking, guess how much we need to fork out? RM 7 for that 6.5 hrs(approximately RM1 per hour). Cheap or expensive?? Mummy never complaint so i guess its reasonable.
When we reached home, Mummy straight away do the grand opening for the playmat. Coz baby Iyson not around, so i can have the mat all by myself. See how i enjoy myself lying on the mat watching my fav cartoon show.