This was the 1st time I follow on my Daddy's company trip. It was a 3D1N(25/6-27/6) trip to Betong , Thailand.
We departed on Friday's night, 11pm by bus. Eventhough it was a 24-seater bus, supposed to be comfy but Mummy keep on complaining about neck pain. I have no problem at all, i sleep most of the time during that 8 hours journey.
`Its already 8 in the morning when we reach Betong town. We have our breakfast, bak kut teh and chicken rice. Then we proceed to check in at the so called 5-star hotel..

After we put down our luggage, we gathered again to continue with our day tour. There's nothing special about this town, just the plain garden , jungle and some historical place.

Jungle trekking

Historical museum


It was too boring till i had to find a way to entertain myself, by singing...hehe
After the museum, we proceed to a Floating Garden, but i find nothing floating here...just a name only...

Was so tired of all the walking and running, time to recharge my battery. Even for a short nap, it was enough to make my battery full bar....hehe

After charging, we proceed to the Hot Spring Lake.

Am not interested to soak my legs into this hot and dirty pool, so i went to the nearby playground.
But during this trip, i did learn a few things.
I learn about flowers and colors.
I learn to be a model
I learn to be a photographer
Then on Sunday, after breakfast at hotel, Mummy was not feeling well. End up, i have to be in hotel room watching tv while Daddy go out for last minute shopping.
Before we check out, take opportunity to snap a pic in front of the lobby.
Our group photo
Then as usual, i sleep on the way back....its really tiring but fun too.