Today Mummy still on leave, so she decided to go to SOGO. Since im now also on school holidays, i got the chance to tag along and have my first LRT ride.
Yi-poh drop us at Salak Selatan station, and from here to SOGO(Bandaraya station) only need 5 stops.
Im so happy when i see an LRT coming on the other side. And keep on asking when will our LRT come... sudah tak sabar-sabar...haha

And when it was our turn to board the LRT, i climb up on the seat to have a better view outside
I was excited and thrill seeing so many people inside the train. And when it was our turn to exit the train, i feel so reluctant.. i still wanna sit on it. Till Mummy said, when we finish with our shopping, we will take this LRT again, then only i moved my butt...